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How Did We Get Here?

It's Shocking

Let's face it:  kids have always been able to get their hands on naughty books. But years ago, it might have been an occasional sneaked adult book read in secret. Or an adult magazine left behind by an older sibling.  Not anymore!  No need for kids to pass around a dog-eared, second-hand adult paperback because now there's abundant graphic sexuality throughout books for minors.  And these books are all over local public libraries.  


Seems unbelievable ... but sadly, it's true. 

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What Idahoans Value

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Idaho's Laws

In 1972, Idaho's legislators passed laws clearly defining and outlawing obscenity regarding minors


there's a criminal exemption for schools and libraries.

However, in April 2024, Idaho's legislators passed a new law which enables parents/legal guardians to petition libraries to relocate books for minors which have adult sexual content.

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What qualifies as "obscene"
and "harmful to minors"?                                                            It's explicitly defined (pun intended)                                          in Idaho's statutes.


Too much ... too soon

Kids' brains aren't ready for this information.                                      Premature exposure leads to very harmful outcomes.                    The American College of Pediatricians issued a dire warning:

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    Trustees Set The
    Materials Policy

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    Whether appointed or elected, library board trustees determine the materials selection policy. 

    The materials policies determine what's selected by each library system. 

    Do these Community Library Network (CLN
    ) and Coeur d'Alene (CDA) policies do enough to protect kids? 

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    DISCLAIMER:  The posting, display or other use of excerpts or images is not intended to disparage, diminish, taint, injure or otherwise infringe upon the rights or value thereof of any copyright or trademark owner or holder but is simply meant to inform and educate the public about the presence of sexually explicit books and materials in libraries that may offend community standards of obscenity and pornography. To the extent is alleged or claimed that the rights of any copyright or trademark owner or holder has been infringed upon, it is intended that the alleged infringers will defend and rely upon Fair Use principles and any and all applicable Domestic or International laws, rules or treaties and the Copy Rights act of 1909 and 1976 as amended and related provisions and relevant Trademark laws. 

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